CANCER PATIENTS FOLLOW-UP – CROATIAN SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL ONCOLOGY CLINICAL GUIDELINES Part V: melanoma, sarcomas, central nerve system tumors, lung cancer


Autori uime HDIO-a: Davorin Herceg, Marko Jakopović, Natalija Dedić Plavetić, Miroslav Samaržija, Branka Čučević, Davor Mijatović, Igor Nikolić, Dragan Trivanović, Robert Šeparović, Damir Vrbanec

Liječenje onkoloških bolesnika mora se temeljiti na multidisciplinarnom pristupu, a provodi se u specijaliziranim onkološkim centrima. Nakon završetka specifičnog onkološkog liječenja daljnje praćenje uglavnom provode onkolozi, ali je uloga liječnika primarne zdravstvene zaštite (PZZ) sve važnija i potrebno ju je jasno definirati. Trenutačno većina preporuka za praćenje nije temeljena na prospektivnim studijama, već se zasniva na stručnim mišljenjima pojedinih onkoloških centara ili specijalista. Hrvatsko društvo za internističku onkologiju (HDIO) ovim preporukama želi standardizirati i racionalizirati dijagnostičke postupke u praćenju onkoloških bolesnika, nakon završetka primarnog liječenja, u bolesnika s melanomom, sarkomima, tumorima središnjega živčanog sustava te rakom pluća.

Treatment of oncological patients must be based upon multidisciplinary approach, and takes place in specialized oncological centers. By the end of a specific oncological treatment further follow-up is being managed mostly by the oncologists, but the role of the general practitioners becomes more important every day and therefore should be precisely defined. Nowadays, most of the existing follow-up guidelines are not being based on prospective studies, yet on the expert’s opinion of a precise oncological center or specialists. The aim of the Croatian Society of Medical Oncology (CSMO) with these recommendations is to standardize and rationalize the diagnostic procedures’ algorithm in follow–up of oncological patients after primary treatment, in patients with melanoma, sarcomas, central nerve system tumors and lung cancer.

Volumen: 1-2, 2017

Liječ Vjesn 2017;139:17–23

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