
Dušanka Martinović Kaliterna, Dijana Perković


Vaskulitis je rijetko upalno zbivanje stijenke krvne žile koje dovodi do potpune ili djelomične okluzije krvne žile te ishemije tkiva ili organa koje ta krvna žile opskrbljuje. Vaskulitisi su složena grupa bolesti uglavnom autoimunosnog podrijetla. Vaskulitični proces može biti primaran ili sekundaran i može zahvatiti jedan ili više organa. Upala zahvaća dio ili cijelu stijenku krvne žile s posljedičnim gubitkom vaskularnog integriteta. Vaskulitisi se klasificiraju na temelju upalnog oštećenja malih, srednjih ili velikih krvnih žila.


Vasculitis is clinicopathologic process characterized by inflammation and damage of blood vessels, often resulting in complete or partial occlusion of the involved vessels and ischemic damage to the supplied organ or tissue. The vasculitides are a large group of heterogeneous diseases for which it has been assumed that pathogenesis is largely autoimmune. It may be a primary or secondary manifestation of a disease process and may affect single or multiple organs. Inflammation affects vessel’s walls partly or completely resulting with the loss of vascular integrity. Vasculitides has been classified by whether inflammation predominantly damage small, medium, or large vessels.

Volumen: 7-8, 2014

Liječ Vjesn 2014;136:224–225

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