
Anko Antabak, Jerko Šiško, Ivan Romić, Dino Papeš, Miran Pasini, Damir Halužan, Marko Bogović, Suzana Sršen Medančić, Stanko Ćavar, Tomislav Luetić, Nino Fuchs, Matej Andabak, Ivica Prlić, Selena Ćurković


Svrha ovoga prospektivnog istraživanja, provedenog u jednom istraživačkom centru, bila je usporediti vrijednosti tjelesne temperature izmjerene dvjema metodama: standardnim staklenim termometrom u aksilarnoj regiji i infracrvenim temperaturama timpanične i frontalne regije u afebrilne djece. Studija obuhvaća 345-ero afebrilne djece životne dobi od 4 do 16 godina, koja su radi elektivnog zahvata boravila na odjelu dječje kirurgije. Temperature su mjerene u 1000 navrata simultano aksilarno, u slušnom kanalu i frontalno. Koristili smo se dvama različitim infracrvenim termometrima; jednom vrstom za timpaničnu, drugom za frontalnu temperaturu. Aksilarna temperatura definirana je kao standard i mjerena je klasičnim staklenim termometrom. Svaki je pacijent bio izložen konstantnoj temperaturi okoliša minimalno 10 minuta prije simultanog mjerenja temperatura. Prosječna frontalna temperatura bila je 36,9 ± 0,38 °C i jednaka je aksilarnoj tempera­turi, 36,9 ± 0,16 °C. Prosječna timpanična temperatura bila je 36,3 ± 0,98 °C. Srednja je razlika timpanične i aksilarne temperature –0,4 °C. Izmjereni niz timpaničnih temperatura u skupini naših ispitanika ima trostruko veću disperziju nego frontalni niz i pet puta veću nego aksilarne temperature. Aksilarne temperature, mjerene klasičnim staklenim termometrom, imaju najmanju disperziju izmjerenih vrijednosti, slijede frontalne temperature mjerene infracrvenim termometrom, a najmanje su pouzdane izmjerene timpanične temperature.


The purpose of this study was to compare the results of body temperature measurements obtained by standard axillary thermometers with the results of infrared tympanic and frontal skin thermometry in afebrile children. This study comprises a single-center, prospective comparison trial. A total of 345 afebrile children aged 4 to 16 years hospitalized in the pediatric surgery department for elective surgery were included. One thousand axillary, tympanic and frontal measurements were obtained and compared. We used two different infrared thermometers in this study; one type measured the tympanic temperature, the other the temperature on the forehead. The axillary temperature measured with the glass thermometer was set as the standard. Each patient was exposed to a constant environmental temperature for a minimum of 10 min before simultaneous temperature measurements. The mean frontal temperature 36.9± 0.38 °C was equal to the axillary temperature 36.9± 0.16 °C. The mean tympanic temperature was 36.3 ± 0.98 °C. The mean difference between the tympanic and axillary temperatures was –0.4 °C. The tympanic temperature had a threefold greater dispersion than frontal and a fivefold greater dispersion than axillary temperature. The results of this study suggest that the axillary temperature measured with glass thermometer has the least dispersion. Somewhat less reliable is the frontal temperature measured with infrared thermometer. The least reliable is tympanic temperature measurement.

Volumen: 1-2, 2016

Liječ Vjesn 2016;138:30–33

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