Mladenka Vukojević, Jerko Brzica, Božo Petrov
Cilj: Utvrditi učestalost sindroma burnout u kliničkih liječnika SKB-a Mostar. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanje su uključena 94 ispitanika od 131 liječnika koji su radili u ustanovama obuhvaćenim istraživanjem. Oni su bili upoznati sa svrhom istraživanja te su svrstani u tri skupine specijalizacija. Prvu skupinu činili su liječnici Klinike za unutarnje bolesti i Odjela za dječje bolesti, drugu skupinu činili su liječnici Odjela za kirurgiju i Odjela za ginekologiju i porodništvo, dok su treću skupinu (CL-specijalizacije) činili liječnici Klinike za kožne i spolne bolesti, Odjela za otorinolaringologiju i Odjela za oftalmologiju. Svim ispitanicima podijeljen je anonimni upitnik za procjenu izgaranja na poslu. Upitnik se sastojao od 18 tvrdnji uz koje se nalaze brojevi od 1 do 3 od kojih 1 znači rijetko, 2 često, 3 uvijek, a zadatak ispitanika bio je zaokružiti odgovarajući broj ovisno o tome koliko ih određena tvrdnja opisuje. Uz ove tvrdnje upitnik je sadržavao podatke o mjestu zapošljavanja, godinama radnog iskustva i spolu. Rezultati: U istraživanom uzorku ispitanici najučestalije (n = 81; 86,2%) nisu imali simptome sindroma izgaranja. Što se tiče osoba koje su imale navedene simptome svi su pripadali umjerenom intenzitetu (c2-test = 49,19; s.s. = 1; P < 0,001). Teške simptome navedenog sindroma nije imao nijedan ispitanik. Intenzitet simptoma izgaranja ispitanika nije bio značajno različit između muškog i ženskog spola (c2-test = 0,85; s.s. = 1; P = 0,355) niti se statistički značajno razlikovao ovisno o broju godina radnog staža (egzaktni test; P = 0,888). Nakon formiranja triju skupina iz sedam Klinika uključenih u istraživanje prema dosad percipiranom intenzitetu stresnih situacija nije se pokazala značajna razlika u intenzitetu simptoma izgaranja između novoformiranih skupina klinika (egzaktni test; P = 0,536). Promatrajući individualno čestice upitnika u cjelokupnom uzorku, u 5 čestica postojao je češće zaokružen visoki intenzitet simptoma izgaranja, s tim da je najučestalije prijavljen visok intenzitet simptoma bio osjećaj nemoći za promjenu nečega u poslu (c2-test = 78,04; s.s. = 14; P < 0,001). Zaključak: Najveći broj ispitanika nema simptome sindroma burnout, a oni koji ih imaju nalaze se u umjerenoj fazi izgaranja. Nema statistički značajne razlike u učestalosti sindroma burnoutizmeđu novoformiranih skupina specijalizacija.
Aim: To determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome in clinical physicians in Mostar University Hospital. Subjects and methods: The study included 94 subjects who were familiar with the purpose of research and were classified into three specialty groups. The first consisted of doctors in the Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Pediatrics, the second group of doctors in the Department of Surgery and Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, while the third group (CL-specialization) were doctors of the Clinic of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Department of Ophthalmology. All subjects were handed anonymous questionnaire to assess burnout. The questionnaire consisted of 18 statements with numbers from 1 to 3, 1 meaning rarely, 2 often and 3 always The task was to circle an appropriate number depending on how the statement described them. Along with these statements the questionnaire contained information on the place of employment, years of work experience and gender. Results:In the studied sample of respondents most (n = 81, 86.2%) didn’t have symptoms of burnout syndrome. As for the people who had these symptoms, they all belonged to the moderate intensity (c2 test = 49.19, df = 1, P<0.001), while none had severe symptoms of this syndrome. The intensity of the symptoms in the subjects was not significantly different between males and females (c2 test = 0.85, df = 1, P = 0.355). Also, the intensity of symptoms in the subjects did not differ significantly depending on the number of working years (exact test, P = 0.888). After the formation of three groups from seven departments involved in the research of so far perceived intensity of stress, no significant differences in the intensity of the symptoms of burnout were found between them (exact test, P = 0.536). Regarding the individual items in the overall survey sample, in five items high intensity symptoms of burnout were most often circled. The most frequently reported high intensity of the symptoms was the sense of inability to change something at work (c2 test = 78.04, df = 14, P<0.001). Conclusion: The majority of respondents did not have symptoms of burnout syndrome, and those who had them were in the moderate stage of burnout. No statistically significant differences in the incidence of burnout syndrome between the groups of specialties were found.